As we age we learn how important strong bones & healthy joints are for quality of life. Nutrition is the key to less pain & so much more!
Nutrition has a huge impact on our bone and joint health. Here are some of the facts we want to help you avoid:
- 50% of women and up to 25% of men over 50 years old will break a bone due to osteoporosis.
- Overall, 22.7% of adults reported doctor-diagnosed arthritis, with significantly higher age-adjusted prevalence in women (23.9%) than in men (18.6%).
- About 2% of the US adult population, which is roughly 4 million US adults are affected by Fibromyalgia.
What do these conditions have in common?
- Pain... all three come with a lot of pain that can affect sleep, movement, mental and emotional health and overall quality of life.
- Nutrition... all three can be impacted by targeted nutrition plus changes in eating and lifestyle habits that reduce inflammation and feed our organs and tissues.
Watch our replay now to learn more. Feel free to share too!
Aaron @ WHNCenter
